Join now, and be a part of the mission
Preservation has been the keystone of the Battle of Richmond Association’s efforts since day one.
Preservation of important Battle of Richmond land.
Preservation of Civil War era structures.
And most importantly, the preservation of the memories of the soldiers and local people that participated and were affected by the Battle of Richmond.
The Battle of Richmond Association coordinates and partners with the Madison County Fiscal Court’s Division of Historic Properties to care for all aspects in regards to the Battle of Richmond.
And we need you to be an integral part of this worthwhile endeavor.
All donations and membership dues are used to accomplish the Battle of Richmond Association’s objective. As a member and donor, you will be notified of associational meetings, which you are welcome to attend.
Payment of dues also entitles you to receive the association’s periodic newsletters, a discount at the Battle of Richmond Mercantile, and invitation to join together for special events and tours.